The tension and reaction surrounding a Rock the Garden set, perhaps, was inevitable as more rock festivals feature partnerships with previously-unlikely bedfellows. Rock music and an art museum? In the end, at least with one set, the locale won out. Art is supposed to satisfy, infuriate, cause a commotion and get people involved in spirited debate. Read more

Quick update on Daniel Alvarez, the Florida man who spent 9 months kayaking from Minnesota’s Northwest Angle to Key West, got there and decided to kayak back to Minnesota. Today, he announced he’s done with saltwater. He reached New York City. He couldn’t very well paddle back up the Mississippi River (against the current and Read more

Here’s the “money shot” from the storms that moved through the Midwest yesterday. Scott Olson at Getty Images grabbed the moment the lightning hit the former Sears tower. I’ve left it in its original size for your viewing pleasure. What are the odds of getting the shot? Apparently pretty good.

Unless something goes wrong in the next few days, Ryan Chalmers will realize his goal of traveling across the country. It took him only 71 days. Did I mention he’s pushing a racing wheelchair? This morning, he crossed the Delaware River from Philadelphia into New Jersey. He should arrive in Central Park on Saturday.