The former mayor of Bismarck says he registered the names because he likes the Fighting Sioux nickname. So he registered ‘Nodaks’ and ‘North Stars’ and ‘Fighting Hawks’ with the North Dakota Secretary of State in order to prevent UND from using them. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Archives for September 2015
Residents of northern California had only minutes to try to get away from the wildfire that destroyed over 400 homes in the so called Valley fire over the weekend.
If ever there was a time to put the camera down and try to get away, this was it. Read more →
Is it hard to imagine an issue in a campaign that doesn”t involve boogeymen ? Read more →
The Minnesota Vikings are worth $1.59 billion — $1 billion more than what Zygi Wilf paid for the team in 2005. That’s a pretty good 10-year return on investment. Read more →
In a child custody dispute, a father claimed that a court-ordered psychological evaluation would have violated his Rastafarian religious beliefs. Read more →
It takes quite a person to donate an organ to someone who needs it. You not only lose a body part, you lose money in some cases. Read more →
Your daily dose of sweetness comes from — not surprisingly — Steve Hartman again.
It’s the story of Ethel Weiss of Brookline, Mass. She’s 101 now and still runs the toy and candy shop by herself. Read more →
The number of children whose parents have had their rights terminated is going up, the Strib’s Brandon Stahl writes, but the laws to make it easier to adopt aren’t working.
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Once State Fair season is over, once summer ebbs, once weekends become even more precious in the advancing season, the community pancake breakfast becomes a must-do event in a town.
In New Ulm on Sunday, the Lions Club hosted its annual pancake breakfast at the local airport. Thousands of people turn out each year; it’s apparently the biggest fundraiser of the year for the service club.
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Dan Rather starts a new series that appears to involve getting drunk during news interviews. Read more →

In the aftermath of 9/11, I’d forgotten how offended I was to stand on a public street and be asked — a demand really — to prove who I was to people who weren’t public servants. Read more →
The pictures of a burning jetliner in Las Vegas were certainly riveting. But if you can divert your attention away from the smoke and flames, you might notice something particularly startling. Read more →
That was a pretty extraordinary interview that Stephen Colbert conducted last night with Vice President Joe Biden.
It was a stark reminder of how rare it is to watch a politician to answer questions, and not hear the answer drop and play like a jukebox.
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It’s not quite like finding out that Lassie was a boy, but learning that the drunks of Green Bay often live somewhere else is still forcing us to re-examine all we believe.
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There’s no reasonable economic benefit to be gained by subsidizing pro sports stadiums, most every piece of research in the last two decades has shown. But the pro-sports machine has won, anyway. Read more →