Muppet book on compassion too much for Wisconsin kids?

How old should a child be before s(he) is exposed to the way the world is?

A school board member in Marshfield, Wis., says kindergarten age is too young, which is why today she’s pushing to ban Jim Henson’s For Every Child a Better World from the school curriculum.

“I just have concerns that it’s too graphic, even though these are Muppets characters,” Mary Carney tells the Marshfield News-Herald. “Unfortunately in this world there is a lot of war and strife and poverty; I understand that. I just don’t know how appropriate that is to be teaching that to 5-year-olds.”

The book asserts that every child needs a home.


But then reveals that some Muppets characters don’t have one.

Warning. The image below may be too graphic for some people.


The book is narrated by Kermit.

“Why are we subjecting the youngest children in our community to such negative, dark, depressing imagery?” Carney asked at a meeting in July. “I believe young children should see the world for what it truly is — beautiful, good and hopeful — and their innocence remain intact for as long as possible.”

“Looking at it, I do not have concerns,” school board vice president Amber Leifheit, who heads the curriculum committee that meets today, said. “I believe it shows compassion for people other than yourself. I think that’s a good thing.”