A critics screening is due out in two weeks. Quenemoen isn’t sure he’s got that much time. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Every now and again, we need a recalibration of our consideration of things that are important. Usually it involves a story about how outrageously unfair life is.
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As fewer people are likely to have access to health care for their illnesses in the future, we’d expect more discussion ahead about laws to allow patients to die with dignity with medical assistance despite the uncomfortable nature of the topic. Read more →
We got a bit of a preview today about what’s going to happen now that President Trump has ordered a halt to subsidy payments to insurance companies for health insurance copayments and deductibles.
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Chris Rosati, who suffered from ALS, died yesterday after a few more hours of suffering when he decided to have doctors remove the tracheal tube that helped him breathe and stay alive.
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Here’s your daily dose of bittersweetness, courtesy of the PBS NewsHour series segment, ‘Brief, but Spectacular.’
In last evening’s episode, series creator Goldbloom talks with his grandfather, Richard, 92, who is losing his memory. Read more →
In Michigan, parents are allowed to avoid having their children immunized if it conflicts with their religious or personal beliefs.
But Rebecca Bredow is going to jail anyway because she reneged on a deal with her ex-husband to have their 9-year-old son vaccinated. Read more →
Sergei Neubauer’s obituary doesn’t say so specifically, but his struggle, like most against depression and mental illness, was brave and courageous. His short life was amazing. And so too, obviously, were the two people in Iowa who agreed to be his parents when he was 11.
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Late night host Jimmy Kimmel pretty much led the lobbying effort against the latest version of the bill to repeal the health insurance law in the United States. Last night he took a victory lap, declaring it dead. “I haven’t been this happy about something being dead since [Osama] bin Laden,” Kimmel said, calling Tuesday Read more →
If Kimmel is making exposing a secretive and cynical health care repeal process part of his job, it’s only because too many of the nation’s journalists aren’t making it part of theirs. Read more →
You know who is doing a better job of covering the Cassidy-Graham bill to repeal health care for Americans than many news organizations? Late night comedians. They’re at least paying attention to it. Read more →
Though there are plenty of gorgeous days left, the baseball diamonds in the ginormous sports complex in my town are empty; the kids and their parents have moved on to either soccer or football.
It doesn’t appear that anything has stopped football from being the sport of choice for these younger kids and their parents, so it’s unlikely today’s study from Boston will change anything. Nonetheless, your kids brains are getting scrambled by tackle football. Read more →
Eighteen is the new 15, a new assessment of the generation suggests.
They don’t drink as much, have sex, or drive a car the way other generations — that’s you, probably — did. Read more →
“We’d like to do something and something’s better than nothing.” And this concludes the lesson on how a dead-and-gone effort to repeal Obamacare rolled back to life. Read more →
When last we heard about Miles Weske, the flight paramedic had lost his job with the air ambulance company for whom he was working when the helicopter crashed in Alexandria one year ago Sunday. His goal was to get back in the air. That’s not going to happen. Read more →