At the Capitol: Put a fork in it

It’s statehood week here in Minnesota, and folks are “celebrating” it pretty much any way you can imagine: there’s fireworks, band concerts, a wagon train and even several protests.

capitolcake-1.jpgState Rep. Connie Ruth? She’s going to eat the Capitol.

Well, not the whole thing. And not the granite version, either. The Owatonna Republican recently commissioned a mammoth three-dimensional replica cake of Minnesota’s statehouse. That one went to a Young Life cake auction.

A couple of bakers from Waseca are right now at work on another one. They’re bringing the white-chocolate-filled reproduction of the Cass Gilbert classic to St. Paul tomorrow to celebrate Minnesota’s sesquicentennial. “It’ll be in the retiring room,” Ruth said of the creation. “And we’re going to eat it.”

It’s a new culinary venture for baker Pederag Vuleta and his wife, Lina. He’s from Bosnia and she’s a native Croatian. They came to the U.S. about 10 years ago and started their State Street Bistro in Waseca in 2004. They have a catering and cake business, as well. You can see other examples of their work at

“We’ve made a lot of wedding cakes. A lot of birthday cakes,” said Pederag, taking a break from the mammoth baking and frosting job ahead of tomorrow’s event. (He doesn’t know exactly how much of what goes into a 3-foot replica of the Capitol, only that it takes several grown men to pick it up.)

“Connie Ruth asked me to make a cake for the Capitol,” he said. “I wasn’t quite sure what to do. I thought maybe a cake with a picture of the Capitol on the front. But then I decided no, I would do the real thing.”

It’s even got painted gold quadriga and the U.S. and Minnesota state flags waving from the roof.

The cake is going on display in front of the state House of Representatives chambers at 11:30 tomorrow morning. Then it’s going behind closed doors for a lunchtime session with lawmakers.

“You wouldn’t believe it,” Ruth says. “I mean it’s… it’s the Capitol!”