The many faces of Jesse

Tonight, Jesse appears on CNN’s Larry King Live — opposite the Home Run Derby featuring Justin Morneau — to reveal whether he’ll run for the U.S. Senate. Tonight’s viewer choice: Jesse or Justin?

What will he do? The reasons not to run, from his perspective, might be the reasons he would — he might win. Ventura was the “accidental governor” of Minnesota, when a campaign he started on a lark ended up succeeding. He and his family were uncomfortable with the lack of privacy of an elected official, but what could they do? The voters elected him.

It was little surprise, then, that he only stuck around for one term, but why would he want to put his family through it again? He says he doesn’t need the money because MSNBC gave him a fat contract for the three years after his term ended. Does he need the fame? Is he tired of surfing? For the most part, the media he hates left him alone when he moved to Mexico. If he hates it, why invite them back into his life?

Oh, did you expect an answer? I have no clue, nor insight to the world of Jesse Ventura. I’m content — for now — to marvel at his changing looks. Is there anybody not named Johnny Depp who can look so different from one gig to the next?

Of course, we had the gubernatorial Jesse…


There’s the May 2008 “looking like an older Jim Belushi” Jesse


There’s the “Run Forest Run,” Jesse…


In 2004, he had the whole black-T-shirt and Jack Sparrow look going.


In 2006, there was the Fu Man Jesse look when he got together with Kinky Friedman in Texas.


On Friday, he did an interview with CNN as “waiting to get a tee time” Jesse…


If Ventura announces he’s running tonight, the first hour of Midmorning on Tuesday will look at the impact he’ll have on the Senate race.