The campaign this week

The presidential campaign returns to Minnesota on Friday when Sen. John McCain and Gov. Sarah Palin stop for a rally at the Anoka County airport in Blaine.

Inputting transcripts of various appearances this week into Wordle provides a glimpse of the common themes of the candidates’ major appearances this week. Joe Biden gave a speech. Barack Obama appeared on Letterman. Both gave an interview to Katie Couric.

Gov. Palin addressed a rally in Nevada, and was on FoxNews for an interview. Sen. McCain appeared on Good Morning America and also gave an interview to Katie Couric.

These displays do not include yesterday’s town hall meeting held by McCain and Palin (I haven’t been able to find a transcript).

Here is McCain/Palin’s week so far:


Here is Obama/Biden’s week so far:


Neither is particularly illuminating. Where it gets somewhat more interesting is when you submit the transcripts of TV ads the candidates unveiled this week.

Here’s Obama’s:


Here’s McCain’s:


In McCain’s speeches, the most highlighted word is “Obama.” In Obama’s ads, the most highlighted word is “McCain.”