With the order to raise the sandbag levee by another foot, I couldn’t imagine having the gumption to get back out and sling sandbags.
The daily briefing of public safety and government officials is underway in Fargo. The mayor of Moorhead, Mark Voxland , has been invited over and both are stressing that neither city ignores the other. 8:04 a.m. – Voxland says they hope to have all the sandbag dikes up to 42 feet today. He credits GPS Read more →
Todd and Donna Morse weren’t around for the Great Flood of 1997 — they lived in Coon Rapids then — but they’ve quickly learned the art of flood protection against a river that has a penchant for taking detours through neighborhoods like theirs in Moorhead. As she stood next to a backyard swimming pool where Read more →
Youth may be wasted on the young, but the young aren’t wasting it this week in Moorhead and Fargo. If it weren’t for college, high school, and junior high school students, these cities would already be under water. Many of them returned from spring break to help out. When the experts said they needed to Read more →
(Moorhead) – This area picked up another half inch of rain in the last 12 hours, the last thing it needed. But is snow and cold temperatures a good or a bad thing?The meteorologists say the cold will slow the snow melt, but also make it harder to stuff sandbags. We’re heading out in a Read more →