In an NPR commentary today, Erica Molitor of Milwaukee inspires us to engage in one of our favorite activities — the antics we see while commuting to work:
I am, however, not at all impressed with your Fast and Furious antics. Please stop angrily swerving around me, leaving 5 inches of safe cushion between us and a collision. Because no matter how far ahead you think you are getting, there is always a stoplight up ahead and I will most likely meet you there.
Are we really in a race to get to the red light? Is it really worth risking the cost of a potential accident to be the first person waiting for the light to turn green? No one is thinking, “Wow, look at that daredevil stud,” as you whiz by me and suddenly swerve into my lane. Nope, instead I am thinking how self-centered you must be.
NPR is presenting eight commentaries from listeners about their commutes. If yours wasn’t selected, feel free to vent the spleen here.