The “awesome” candidate

The state that gave us the Lizard People has done it again. At the bottom of the Minneapolis mayoral ballot, we learn that there is an “Is Awesome” political party.


Here’s Joey’s Web site statement:

Unlike other politicians, Joey has no experience and is thus unable to have become corrupted. Furthermore, Joey has a proven record of awesomeness that can be counted on should the city face natural disaster, war, famine, Act of God, or any of a hundred other things that other candiates aren’t busy thinking about.

Should Joey be elected this year, he will be sure to express his gratitude by humbly taking office and putting his years of playing Sim City to use. He’ll not only improve the city but will do so with a smile.

But he gets serious on his blog describing his party choice:

What if we just got rid of the party system? Everyone runs independently, based on what they think will be best for the district they will be representing. And those constituents could vote for the person they think will do the best job for their district. And everything would probably work out a whole lot better I think. But that’s just my opinion, maybe I’m just off in my own world, but I’m really sick of having 2 main parties and a couple ones that no one listens to. Let’s scrap it entirely. George Washington didn’t need to be party-endorsed to be a great leader…

(h/t: Derek Schille)