Patching potholes with people power


As we’ve noted recently, the pothole problem is one of the worst we’ve seen in Minnesota in many years. Part of it is because of the weather, part of it is because cash-strapped cities patched roads last year that otherwise might’ve been resurfaced. Whatever the reason, driving in the state right now is something only a front-end realignment shop could love.

“I now have two new tires, and a new wheel thanks to the 280 exit off of 94 West,” an MPR listener wrote to us today. “I am not happy that they have let it get this bad. Government jobs are still jobs, especially when I’d much rather have them fix the roads than pay a guy for new tires. I’ve taken to not wanting to drive after dark for fear of things lurking. It isn’t safe to have to deal with that when you have small kids in the car. ”

Today, MPR debuts its Plotting Potholes application.

It’s as simple as losing a hubcap. Drag the map to your pothole location and fill out the form. SeeClickFix tracks the reports, distributes them to the proper authorities, and tracks whether and when they get fixed.