Minnesota gubernatorial candidate Matt Entenza may be trailing in the polls, but he’s been the runaway leader in using media to get his face in front of as many people as his deep pockets will allow.
Minnesota gubernatorial candidate Matt Entenza may be trailing in the polls, but he’s been the runaway leader in using media to get his face in front of as many people as his deep pockets will allow.
Today, his ads showed up on the New York Times’ Web site, at least for people visiting from the fair Gopher state.
The ads do not appear to be linked to the story, otherwise — as in the example above — it would be ripe for jokes about King Kong and Matt Entenza (although, we admit we can’t think of any at the moment).
Using, Google Ads, Entenza has also staked out positions on RSS feeds on Google Reader. In this case, the Wall St. Journal’s.