Fargo man pens two-word obituary

We have a new record for the shortest newspaper obituary: two words.

Douglas Legler’s obituary in today’s Fargo Forum is shorter than his name, the paper notes.

Here’s the online version:


There is, of course, more to his life than one last laugh.

Despite the brevity of his obituary, Legler lived a rich and full life complete with his own career changes, Stoll says. He was a longtime driver for Nash Finch, later working in vending machine repair and painting farm equipment.

He was a singer, too, and once placed second in a talent show. He was a fan of country music, especially the music of Ernest Tubb. He loved cars and took the occasional trip to the casino.

But what really defined her father, Stoll says, was his ability to laugh and make others laugh.

“He was very lighthearted and had a great sense of humor,” she says. “He was very quick-witted, and funny. He was one of a kind, he really was. Everyone loved him that met him.”