Today’s forecast for La Crosse: Partly insecty, highs in the 70s.
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MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Archives for September 2015
The New York Times’ expose revealing the U.S. military wants its soldiers to ignore the pedophilia of its allied military commanders demands a response to a pretty simple question: why? Read more →

All Colin McLain of Brainerd wanted last night is to spend a nice night at the ballpark with his daughter.
But it was a rainy day and fans outstate no longer have the luxury of a domed field, you may have heard.
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The Minnesota Vikings gave workers at the under-construction U.S. Bank Stadium knit hats to commemorate the topping-off of the stadium.
It could only have ended up like this Read more →
There’s nothing good or funny about a side of people that people shouldn’t see. Read more →
In the ongoing competition to determine who has the best job in Minnesota, we’re prepared to suggest that the favorite is Dave Campbell.
We’re just not sure which David Campbell.
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Your daily moment of sweetness.
The 39th president of the United States went to a baseball game last night. Read more →

At the Miss America pageant earlier this month, Miss Colorado didn’t bother with a song-and-dance routine during the talent portion of the pageant. Instead, she talked about being a nurse.
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There are many ‘heroes’ designated in war, but a piano player isn’t usually among them.
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When a man at a Donald Trump rally in New Hampshire last night declared that President Obama is a Muslim, it brought back memories of Lakeville, Minn., 2008. Read more →
The Viking heritage is now politically correct. Read more →
Milo Hamilton is dead.
The Iowa native called baseball games on radio — the only real way to follow a baseball game — for 60 years, most recently as the Houston Astros announcer. Before that he was the play-by-play man for the Cubs, Pirates, and several other teams, including the Atlanta Braves, which tied him forever to this moment.
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Diane Rehm, the NPR talk show host, lived every talk-show host’s dream this week when she called out a guest — former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley, a presidential candidate — for being late to her studio and calling in on the telephone instead. Read more →
Getting tripped by a TV journalist might be the best thing that’s happened in months to Osama Abdul Mohsen and his family. Read more →
But it’s not just phony democracy that’s gumming up the workplace, CNBC says. It’s technology’s fault for making meetings easy to schedule and — perhaps more important — stripping human contact from the workplace.
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