Torii Hunter of the Minnesota Twins reports on his Instagram account today that the team is learning how to do this dance. We say again: Baseball is the greatest sport. This is what the team dance party looks like. We are learning how to do this dance as a team. My boy @goodieboyy #Hitthequan #danceparty Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Archives for September 2015
Lorly Schik is 90 now and if there’s someone who deserves a happy retirement, it’s everyone’s kindergarten teacher. Read more →
This has not been a good 24 hours for our childhoods, Baby Boomers.
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I couldn’t really believe what I was hearing on Saturday’s Radiolab segment on football, in which a woman gushed about the tackle football program for four-year-olds, even though her father — a former NFL player — is one of several in her family showing the effects of brain damage from their football days. Read more →

What we do we do for a reason. What’s yours? What’s the best job you ever had? What was the worst? We’ll talk about it on the radio Monday morning, but share a story now. Read more →

Paul Langseth stepped forward today to say that he’s the guy who stopped to help a truckdriver in Windom this week. After being rear-ended by another truck, the driver was stuck in a burning cab, and the state trooper who was trying to free him was making no progress. Read more →

Those of us who covered city councils and school committees as young journalists can understand what might’ve prompted the St. Paul Board of Education to stop allowing cable access TV to show the ‘public comment’ part of its meetings. But at the very least, it’s great entertainment that a lot of cable watchers might miss. Read more →
A video of ants and an iPhone reminds us why we like the sciences so very much. Read more →

Country music long ago lots its soul. Like other genres, the formulaic recipe for a hit turned it into wallpaper, even though it appears to be as popular as ever.
Sure, legend Merle Haggard sounds like everyone’s parent, telling the kids to turn that noise down, but it’s still Merle Haggard, who’s in town in Moorhead for a performance at the Bluestem
Center for the Arts on Sunday. Read more →

In a perfect world there would be happy endings to stories about cancer, but there’s nothing perfect about cancer, of course. Read more →
The Rush nightclub, along Highway 61 in Cottage Grove has been closed for quite awhile. At one time it was a country bar and if there’s one thing that should do well in Cottage Grove, it’s a country western bar. But it didn’t.
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Did you know there’s a Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg? I do (I even know how to pronounce it) and today it got me in trouble on Twitter because I did what I usually do with NewsCut, I connected unrelated (though interesting) facts with something that’s currently in the news, in this case the effort to rename Lake Read more →
The University of North Dakota’s effort to come up with a new nickname is going to have to go through Iowa, apparently.
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Amber Marshall had to take a stand. You don’t steal an 8-year-old’s bike off the front porch. Not in Duluth, anyway. Read more →
People in Chicago love their city’s flag. It’s everywhere. Where’s the love for yours, Minneapolis? Read more →