Three dairy farms a day go out of business in Wisconsin, the dairy state. Like any business story, it’s a tale of low prices for milk and high prices for feed and supplies. It’s simple math. But it’s hard not to feel for the people whose job is their life and always has been. The Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
We’re running out of helium and it’s a big deal if you’re in the balloon business. What good is a balloon without helium? Read more →

News media from as far away from Tokyo showed up to document the Warroad Pioneer’s demise because, apparently, even the people of Tokyo care more about Warroad than the people of Warroad. Read more →
It seems undeniable that lower wage jobs will disappear and a lot of people are going to be out of work Read more →
Drive down Post Road near MSP International Airport and you’ll see the sign of a changing economy. Read more →
Apparently, we are supposed to feel sympathy for the businesses that are making job offers to potential employees, only to hear nothing in return.
No, thank you.
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Sure, a local bookstore is a business, but when an owner — especially a new owner — shovels sand against the economic tide, it stands as a challenge to the rest of us: are we willing to do anything to keep local businesses and industries in our community and if so, what?
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It’s a discussion that is increasingly happening but is less easily dismissed by those who avoid it by shouting ‘socialism’ as a distraction. Read more →
Why should seniors get discounts when younger people are suffering from the burden of student loans and $1,000 phones? Read more →
We’re guessing there aren’t a lot of well-raised adults in these parts who didn’t grow up with at least something from Creative Kidstuff, the Twin Cities toy stores whose philosophy was “play is joyful, educational, creative and inspiring.” That ethos couldn’t survive in our high-tech era.
But that was before smartphones and iPads. Read more →
Teri Kinne signs up for the shifts because she’s been looking for her brother, whom she hadn’t seen in 10 years until she spotted him at an overflow shelter at the Ramsey County Law Enforcement Center not long ago, the Pioneer Press says. Read more →
Forbes is out with its annual list of the richest people in the world and, perhaps not surprisingly, the people who were the richest last year are the richest this year. That’s pretty much how it works when you’re rich. Once you’re a billionaire, it’s pretty hard not to be a billionaire. Read more →
In upholding a district court ruling, the Court of Appeals ruled Monday that the state law doesn’t prevent a city from requiring a higher minimum wage. It only prohibits paying less. The case will almost certainly have to be settled by the Minnesota Supreme Court. Read more →
Twenty-nine years ago, a McDonald’s manager asked Art Mason if he’d help out for a few hours; he was short staffed. In May, Art will turn 89. Read more →
These are tough times in the dairy business, particularly for small operations. But the fact a livelihood is destroyed so quickly by a month of snow reveals the precipice on which many farmers stand. Read more →