[update 1/6/15 – Madison.com identified the sender as Eyal Binshtock, a Los Angeles resident. Binshtock also gave $1,000 to the Salvation Army of Dane County, which received the doughnuts after UW police declined them.]

According to the University of Wisconsin Police Department in Madison, nobody likes coconut doughnuts.
That’s why they make the perfect symbol of protest for a UW fan who was thrown out of Camp Randall recently.
The fan sent 20 dozen coconut doughnuts to the department, it reports on its Facebook page.
A little sleuthing revealed the email address of the fan.
The fan responded that he’d flown from Los Angeles to sit with his friends to watch the football game, but his assigned section wasn’t the same as theirs.
The department apologized, and sent the doughnuts to a shelter.
And the fan ended up a satisfied customer.
As an aside, the department wondered whether there was a connection to the great doughnut chase of 2007 at UW, which happened on the same date.