There seems to be plenty of irony to go around in the WNBA’s decision to fine players $500 and the three teams on which they play $5,000 for wearing unapproved team attire.
The league fined the New York, Indiana, and Phoenix teams for wearing shirts that, technically, didn’t say anything, but were a statement in the wake of police shootings and shootings of police.

“We are proud of WNBA players’ engagement and passionate advocacy for non-violent solutions to difficult social issues but expect them to comply with the league’s uniform guidelines,” WNBA President Lisa Borders said in a statement provided to The Associated Press on Wednesday night.
Three teams, including the Minnesota Lynx, that wore T-shirts that did says something were not fined.

The Lynx only wore their T-shirts once, and said they’d turn to other ways to address social issues.
The fines come after the league, which issued a statement of support after the Lynx’ original protest, sent players a reminder of proper uniform policy.
Related T-shirts: Minneapolis police union selling ‘#jackass’ shirts for charity (City Pages)