Open thread: On Election Day, have your say

There’s a story about Paul Wellstone handed down over the years that goes like this: On the morning of Election Day, from the back of his green bus he urged people to go vote.

“I wouldn’t vote for you,” a man shouted back.
“It’s OK,” Wellstone is said to have responded. “Go vote anyway.”

Some things are bigger than what we’ve been told for the last few years is the biggest thing. Carrying on, for example.

I’ll be one of the hosts for MPR’s live blog tonight (which will also be posted here so that we can have an ongoing conversation also in the comments section), and I’ll also be providing updates on The Current, and so I probably won’t post a lot here until later this afternoon.

That gives us time here to talk about the post-election period before the campaign of 2018 begins. After you have your say, in other words, have your say.

First, a few questions.

Related: Columnist: As race ends nation must join together (Boston Herald)