It doesn’t take much to be a ‘terrorist’ in Wisconsin

Wisconsin Republican Senate hopeful Leah Vukmir took the First Amendment out for a lunchtime walk today, alleging that Sen. Tammy Baldwin, the Democratic incumbent, is a terrorist.

That’s Baldwin with 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.

What did the Wisconsin senator do to earn the accusation of being a terrorist?

She has not yet indicated whether she’ll support the nomination of Gina Haspel as CIA director.

“This is a dangerous time for America, and our CIA director should be willing to do what it takes to protect our nation, our citizens and our freedoms,” Vukmir said in a press release. “Gina Haspel has proven she will do that, and Baldwin’s silence on her nomination is just another signal that she’d rather bow to our enemies than tell terrorists we’ll do what’s necessary to ensure Americans are kept safe.”

Senators held confirmation hearings on Haspel today, seeking more information from her before deciding whether she’s fit for the job.

It’s something U.S. senators do as required by the Constitution of the United States.

(h/t: Paul Tosto)