Deval Patrick, the former Massachusetts governor who announced yesterday he won’t run for president, has already distinguished himself as a different kind of potential presidential candidate. Unlike most politicians who are being coy with the media while claiming they haven’t made up their minds about running for office, Patrick really was weighing both sides of running and really was undecided. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: president

George H.W. Bush turned 94 Tuesday, which is notable because not a single U.S. president has ever lived to be 94. And soon, there might be two. Jimmy Carter turns 94 in October. Presidents Ford and Reagan were 93 when they died. Bush’s son, Neal, penned a tribute to his father in USA Today today. “Long Read more →

The White House reportedly cites a scheduling conflict, but there are other possible reasons. First, presidents rarely look good throwing baseballs and, second, as President Obama found out in 2010, it’s a good way to be reminded how much the fans hate you. Read more →

John Glenn is 95 years old today. He was, you may have heard, the first American to orbit the earth, willingly climbing atop a bomb to go try something no American had tried before. Read more →

Here’s the audio of the show I hosted today on third-party candidates. Read more →

Nobody’s public status benefits from passive voice like Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar’s. Read more →