Twins add to “It Gets Better” ranks

Seven Major League Baseball teams — the Giants, Rays, Cubs, Red Sox , Mariners, Orioles, Phillies — have produced “It Gets Better” videos, which were sparked by a campaign against the bullying of young people because of their sexual orientation.

The Minnesota Twins are about to be the eighth.

“We finished shooting yesterday and should have something produced next week. Our plan is to have it up on our site and by mid-May,” according to Chris Iles, the team’s corporate communications manager.

The team decided to wait until this season to incorporate the non-bullying message into its community outreach programs.

Iles wouldn’t reveal what players will appear in the video.

The It Gets Better Project was created by writer Dan Savage after several high-profile suicides of LGBT young people.

“Our goal isn’t to maintain that kind of fever pitch,” Savage told Mother Jones. “The goal is to build and maintain these videos and all the support in them for LGBT kids who are growing up right now: 13-, 14-, and 15-year-olds; people who are nine years old right now but who will see these videos in five to six years. We want to make sure that videos are still being made and that LGBT kids know how to find these videos, how to find us.”