If there’s one thing many Baby Boomers have in common, it’s this: Trying to convince an elderly parent that it’s time to leave the home they’ve spent their life in, and move somewhere that’s not so dangerous for an elderly person.

For many, especially those who’ve already reluctantly given up the car keys at a son or daughter’s insistence, it’s the last piece of independence — and dignity, really.

Is it worth forcing the move, capping a lifetime with a few years of unhappiness. Or does a son/daughter just shrug and say, ‘whatever makes you happy at whatever the cost?’
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Last evening, the new Green Line recorded its first car-train accident since service officially opened over the weekend. That didn’t take long.

Both train and car were traveling toward Minneapolis on University at Hampden when the car — of course — made an illegal left turn into the path of the train. It was the fifth accident since Green Line testing started in February and in every case the car’s driver did something wrong.

Usually it involves ignoring traffic signs or traffic signals.
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Kalevala, Minnesota? Never heard of it until Friday when I was driving the back road from Hibbing, had time to spare, no one to nag me, and a faded “historical marker” sign to follow.

The township in Carlton County only takes a few seconds to miss if you’re in a hurry to get to Moose Lake, especially with the road construction going on on Minnesota Highway 73. Read more