Well, now that we’ve got the whole right-turn-on-red problem solved, can we talk about a helmet law for motorcyclists now?
This incident happened on Interstate 94 in Woodbury on June 18, thanks to a boat owner who couldn’t be bothered with concern over the safety risk posed by the Green Acres system of securing his cargo.
Linda Leverty, who took the video, said she and others stopped to help. The motorcyclist was not badly hurt. Any guesses why?
The boat owner hasn’t been found.
[update 5:17 p.m. 6/29/16 — The driver who lost part of his load that caused the crash is Kyle Robert Gunderson, 35, of Menominee, Wisc, the Minnesota State Patrol reports in a press release. “Gunderson contacted the Minnesota State Patrol once he realized it was his load that caused the crash. He is cooperating with the State Patrol and the investigation into the crash continues.’]