Youth sports: Parents gone wild

Thanks to Reddit, this sign from Glendale, Wis., is racing around the internet, confirmation that a lot of people have a problem with a few parents — the ones who take their kids’ baseball games too seriously.

Glendale, Wis., Little League

“The sign was our attempt to tamp down that vocal minority of parents who take the outcome of a youth baseball game too seriously,” John Diedrich, the league president who is also a reporter for the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, writes.

A few years ago, Mike Matheny, now manager of the St. Louis Cardinals, coached a youth baseball team for a year and addressed this issue to parents in a now-famous letter. It begins, “I always said that the only team that I would coach would be a team of orphans, and now here we are. The reason for me saying this is that I have found the biggest problem with youth sports has been the parents.”

But many parents won’t listen.

In North Carolina, a parent was so unhappy on how it was going for his kid that he sat on the bench to give the coach the “what for?” .