Being a member of the MPR News staff for a little over a year, and located outside of the St. Paul office, I’ve only had the privilege to observe the NewsCut magic as many readers have, with interactions through emails and reading Bob Collins’ words. But the one time I got to meet Bob in Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
This or That

The voice in my head, the feeling in my stomach, conspire to tell me the answer: nothing. Apparently, this is the day when I can’t fool anyone anymore. I knew it would come sooner or later. Read more →
There’s no getting around it: As a species, we’re pigs. Read more →
Be nice to a snowflake today. Gillette is out with another ad that attempts to redefine masculinity Read more →
Last night’s playoff game in Milwaukee — the Bucks lost to Toronto — provided the quintessential Wisconsin moment: the city’s alpha male sports stars chugging beer. Read more →
It was five years ago when Alexander Voigt’s adventure to Minnesota as a German exchange student ended when the plane in which he was a passenger crashed into a house in Sauk Rapids. Last week, his family made another pilgrimage to the state, to try to retrace the last month of Alexander’s life. Read more →

The family thinks the record was removed for marketing purposes. Read more →
It takes a lot of nameless people to make a newspaper — or any other news medium — go. Read more →
Hubbard County is zeroing in on the unusual arrangement in which hunting cabin leases on tax-forfeited land have been handed down from generation to generation in exchange for a $300 a year lease fee and a property tax payment. It’s a sweet deal for a few people and the county board is beginning to wonder if it’s fair. Read more →
I wanted to tell her she could do better than this, that she clearly deserves better than this. That she’s bright and funny and there are people out there who are bright and funny and somehow life has a way of bringing them together.
‘Highway 7 is just a half mile up the road,’ I said to her as I pointed north.
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‘Ping Pong’ is the answer to the question humankind can’t stop asking: Who’s a good dog? Read more →
If you say the word ‘bias’ as applied to journalism, most people will automatically frame it in politics. But a journalist’s piece on Medium this week reveals a bipartisan reality: gender bias.
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The future of southeast Minnesota’s largest media operation has seemed obvious for the last few years: the Rochester Post Bulletin was likely to be a casualty of the newspaper depression. Read more →
You may never see a more frightening video than the one the Minnesota State Patrol has released on its social media platforms, showing the near tragedy in the Zumbrota-Mazeppa school district when a fourth grader was trying to get on to a bus. Read more →
The Navy investigation, obtained by the Navy Times, reveals the jet crew didn’t think the contrails would last long enough for anyone on the ground in western Washington to notice. Read more →