In the aftermath of the theft of credit card data of millions of its customers, Target is offering free credit monitoring via Experian’s ProtectMyID to those concerned they’ll be exposed to phony charges. Target sent emails last week with instructions on how to get the free monitoring. Once they sign up, customers will get a free code by e-mail. It’s a great deal if you have Internet access and email.
There was nothing in the instructions for people without Internet access, but the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel found that by calling Experian’s ProtectMyID line (866) 579-4428, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. CT weekdays or weekends 10-7, Target customers can get all the reports via snailmail.
Pass this along to the people who’ll never see this.
A lot of this could’ve been avoided, perhaps, with better credit card technology. Today, the Wall St. Journal reports Target had invested in such technology several years ago, but pulled the plug on the project.