Don Buller, of Hendricks, MN., left nothing to chance when it came to preparing for the next life.
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Don Buller, of Hendricks, MN., left nothing to chance when it came to preparing for the next life.
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Thrown into Lake Superior, a message in a bottle took 10 years to find its way to the exotic land of Michigan. Read more →
You hate to see slow, agonizing deaths. A speedy exit is probably the best way to go. Read more →
They’re pretty excited for Monday to come over in Wisconsin.
Starting Monday, they get to drink beer from Minnesota, one more brick in the wall collapsing between the two states.
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Maybe drivers get cut off. Maybe they spend too much time on smartphones, maybe the kids were screaming. Whatever.
We’re just not very good at this driving stuff.
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It’s impossible to talk about this mysterious Cessna over the skies of Minneapolis and other America cities without sounding like a soldier in the tinfoil-hat brigade. But the mystery does defy a logical explanation. Read more →
Adrian Peterson, who has refused to attend optional Minnesota Vikings practices in an ongoing contract dispute, is again using Twitter to pour gas on a fire. Read more →
While waiting for the World Series (with the Twins) to get underway, there’s not much for sports fans in the Twin Cities to do today — an off day for the local entry in the American League.
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In New Hampshire, high school seniors spent some of the year raising the $8,000 it would take for a class trip to the Adirondacks of New York, part of the perk of being a high school senior.
Then they found out their principal, Courtney Vashaw, has cancer. Read more →
If you didn’t read all the way through the Associated Press’ story on Bob Schieffer today, you might’ve missed an important cultural nugget. Read more →
Andrew Henderson and a local police department are at it again.
Henderson, who was acquitted by a Ramsey County jury last year for refusing to stop taping police and an ambulance crew in Little Canada, was detained by St. Paul police this month for taping cops conducting a seat-belt crackdown. The police weren’t wearing their seat belts, he said.
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For several decades, planning for death has been part of the health care regimen in La Crosse, not much different than having blood pressure checked. Read more →
We don’t do polls at this news organization anymore and with good reason — you can’t trust them and news organizations are risking a lot when they put that trust in the hands of third-party pollsters to issue polls under their brand. Read more →
The law is having a hard time keeping up with technology-fueled entrepreneurs, but Duluth is giving it a go with a potential crackdown on homeowners who rent out their property to tourists via sites such as VRBO and AirBnB.
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Memphis said goodbye to blues legend B.B. King this afternoon with a processional down Beale Street. Read more →