Greater love hath no basset hound than that which Grumpie and Gracie had for five-month-old Nora Hall, who died on Monday at Children’s Hospital in Minneapolis after suffering a stroke last month.
The basset hounds fell in love with the girl the moment the Halls brought her home from the hospital after she was born, mom Mary Hall of Duluth tells ABC News.
“Gracie, especially, took on the role as second mother,” she said. “Whenever Nora would cry, Gracie would run to see what was wrong. She was always, always by Nora and kissing her and making sure she was OK.”
After her stroke, Nora spent three weeks in the hospital, which asked the Halls if there were any wishes for their daughter’s final days.
“I asked, ‘If you could let us have our dogs [at the hospital], we’d really appreciate that,'” Hall said.
“I didn’t want to go home and have them sniffing around for her and not knowing where she went,” she said.
So the hospital lowered the beds and arranged for the dogs to spend the last hours with Nora.
Related: GoFundMe page for the Halls.
(h/t: Nancy Yang)