We’ll go out on a limb and suggest that the Founding Fathers never envisioned a country where a wizard could print a musket out of thin air. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Archives for August 2018
We need to give some equal time to cats in this space so here’s the story of Nighty, the black cat owned by Corey Jacob, who lives out of a van, the
Rochester Post Bulletin writes today.
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Here are the stories, topics, and guests you’ll hear today on MPR News. Read more →
The St. Louis Federal Reserve isn’t exactly Dr. Spock but you’ll not likely find more proof of the value of parents spending time with kids than its study in this quarter’s Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review. Read more →
‘Pavel’ is the owner of the ‘Ravenchamps’ ID on Reddit, an ID that is close to the ‘Ravens2012champs’ ID that allegedly was used by David Katz, who killed two people and himself, and wounded 10 others at a Madden tournament in Florida.
Close enough, according to some far-right web sites and the usual suspects like commentator Mike Cernovich and Daily Caller reporter Ian Miles Cheong who identified Pavel’s account as that of the shooter Read more →
After every suicide of a high-profile person, the single piece of advice rises to an almost unimaginable decibel: Just ask for help.
That can get you tossed out of college. Read more →

Among the many mysteries on this planet is this one: how does a tortoise run away from its owner? Read more →

There’s a homeless encampment in Minneapolis and if there’s one thing politicians don’t want, it’s evidence of an epidemic. Read more →

Here are the stories, topics, and guests you’ll hear today on MPR News. Read more →

I took note of a particular passage in Sen. John McCain’s farewell message and wondered whether it was really true.
‘We have always had so much more in common with each other than in disagreement.’
Do we? ‘Like what?’ I thought. Read more →
Justin Taylor Dentz, 38, of Blaine, admitted in court that he solicited sex with someone on Backpage.com and agreed to pay $120 for time to the person who said she was 15.
She was a cop conducting an undercover prostitution sting in Maple Grove. Read more →

John McCain left behind a message. Read more →
Some products practically sell themselves and Barry Coleman, of Winona, Minn., has got a killer idea.
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Slowly, NPR is shedding its snooty image of old aristocrats and allowing more voices on the air — regular, varied voices — that would have never made it to air a couple of decades ago, not without a carton of heaters first.
It’s a good thing. They come with unimaginable expertise and intelligence. Read more →