Buckethead is lucky he was born in Maryland.
You may recall that killing the bear was the next option for officials up in Roseau, Minn., last month when a bear got a milk jug stuck on his head. They’d already put in a few hours work.
But Buckethead had the good fortune to have suffered the effects of curiosity during the Autumn Glory Festival in McHenry, Md., late last week.
“The crowd was very happy to see the cub safely handled and reunited with the sow and another cub,” Wildlife and Heritage Service Director Paul Peditto said in a news release. “Our response staff did an outstanding job dealing with this very public situation, and handled it in a most professional and responsible manner.”
You can’t kill a bear in front of a big crowd.
It took three days to track the black bear.
After tranquilizing the thing, the conservation officers let him sleep it off then returned him to the woods.