How not to steal a car

I was cleaning out the crawl space in the basement last weekend — the place where we put junk in hopes that some archaeological dig generations from now will figure out why we have so many crutches stashed way back in there; I certainly can’t.

I opened one box and discovered the treasure: A rotary telephone. We no longer have any use for it because we use voIP and, of course, cellphones. But it’s good to know that when our species returns to its most savage, stone-age roots, we’re ready.

Someday, should I ever have grandchildren, I also have something to keep them occupied for hours, until the game is over, anyway. They’d never be able to figure out what it is or how it works.

I recall this only because of my favorite news story of the day, so far. Dateline: Springfield, Mass.

Three thieves held up a delivery driver Tuesday night. They rushed him with a knife and demanded his car keys. They were last seen running down the street with their dinners.

They didn’t know how to drive a manual transmission.