In Wichita, Michael Kelley, who has Down Syndrome and autism, plays on a school’s special needs basketball team.
His mom bought the young man a varsity letter jacket like other kids wear.
The principal made him remove it. Read more →
In Wichita, Michael Kelley, who has Down Syndrome and autism, plays on a school’s special needs basketball team.
His mom bought the young man a varsity letter jacket like other kids wear.
The principal made him remove it. Read more →
Writer Jay Gabler, who I’m happy to say is a public radio colleague, pretty well sums up the student loan situation, which generally gets very little sympathy from the older crowd for some reason. Read more →
The Homer Tribune in Alaska and the person who wrote the obit of Donald Malcom Jr., get our admiration in our continuing search for the properly-crafted obituary.
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A Woodbury school, operated by several school districts, will reinstate its band and orchestra program after initially disbanding in the wake of the layoff of the only teacher licensed to teach it. Read more →
The FAA medical certificate system discourages many pilots from seeking help for medical problems. Read more →
Indiana’s governor signs a bill providing legal cover for businesses and institutions who don’t want to do business with gay and lesbian customer. Read more →
Almost every news organization in the Twin Cities has a policy against naming suspects, and almost every one ignores it when it’s convenient to do so. This is not generally how ethics in journalism works. Read more →
History says the St. Paul effort will fade, and drivers — if they change their behavior at all — will go back to being the inconsiderate oofs they often are in the city. Read more →
While we’re consumed — yet again — on whether the public should be footing part of the bill for pro sports stadiums, don’t overlook what’s happening in Duluth, where Cirrus Design, an aircraft manufacturer, is waiting on a public financing package of its own.
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If one bumbling terrorist with a shoe bomb forced us all to take our shoes off at the airport security checkpoint, then a pilot with a death wish should perhaps be enough to change the math in the cockpit.
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Why isn’t Minnesota United my team right now? It’s not because they’re in the lesser North American Soccer League. It’s because they’re in Blaine.
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The Mall of America launched the #ItsMyMall hashtag to ask people to talk about their experiences at the mall. For those opposed to the mall’s response to a Dec. 20 demonstration, it was an invitation to protest. Read more →
Minnesota thinks it can compete with the Sun Belt through tax policy. Here’s why Minnesota is wrong. Read more →
The single sailboat appears to be sunk. Minneapolis City Council members Friday took a different tack on changing the city’s distinctive sailboat logo. Read more →
Among the great mysteries on the planet, this one must now be added: How is it that Pierre, South Dakota got more votes in a Monopoly contest than Minneapolis? Read more →