Hillary Clinton sat down with Zach Galifianakis on Between Two Ferns and we learned that if Donald Trump wins, she will not move to Canada, nor will she take up arms.
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Hillary Clinton sat down with Zach Galifianakis on Between Two Ferns and we learned that if Donald Trump wins, she will not move to Canada, nor will she take up arms.
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That was a fascinating segment on NPR’s Morning Edition today when an NPR host, who works for an organization that steadfastly refuses to say that Donald Trump lies, quizzed the boss of the country’s most influential newspaper, who works for an organization that has no such qualms. Read more →
The protest during the playing of the National Anthem at sports events is growing still.
Last evening, an entire WNBA team knelt during the song’s playing. Read more →
What’s the matter with these kids in Grand Forks today? You take them to a parade and someone on a float throws candy and they run to get it. Where are the parents?
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The next time you get into a little fender-bender or are cut off in traffic and given to a bout of road rage, think about Thom Richard, a pilot who was stopped on a runway at the National Championship Air Races in Reno last weekend.
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A good dog is a pretty important hunting companion during the current birding season, but so is a good drone. Read more →
Call it the “always leave the last bite” syndrome. You’re a Minnesotan and you’d rather admit the accents in “Fargo” are highly accurate than take the last bit of a communal food offering. Read more →
A study from Harvard’s Kennedy School says the inclusion decades ago of “why” to the traditional list of questions every news story should answer — who, what, why, when, where, how — has shifted the focus of news coverage from the newsmaker to the reporter.
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A history teacher in North Carolina is bound to get into some hot water for teaching kids about history, specifically the First Amendment of the Constitution which gives the right to burn, cut, or step on the American flag.
So that’s what Lee Francis did at his high school on Monday. Read more →
Sometimes you just have to stand for something.
Stacy Yannazzo Koltiska, a school cafeteria worker in Pennsylvania’s Canon-McMillan School District, stands for something: feeding kids without shaming the poor. Read more →
Woodstock the therapy chicken is dead. Read more →
The Faribault Daily News reports the City Council yesterday took aim again at AC units installed in apartments in the city’s downtown. In 2014, it declined to ban them. This time, the heat is on. The city staff is giving the Council the option of banning air conditioners. Read more →
Weeks after NPR decided to give up on the notion that its online audience can intelligently discuss the day’s news via comments, the New York Times, which generally has a comment section worth reading, is trying another approach to elevate the scene. Read more →
Here’s your daily dose of bittersweetness. Michael Reagan, an artist in Edmonds, Washington, could probably be making bigger bucks as an artist. But making bigger bucks isn’t his passion right now. Drawing the images of every service member killed in Iraq and Afghanistan is. He got a fair amount of publicity in the last decade Read more →
At least in the short term, a scolding from a politician can be costly, but it takes a lot more to bring a big bank down. Read more →