The BBC reports that the study found that 99.75% of a person’s life satisfaction has nothing to do with their use of social media. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Technology

If you had a technical choice now to give up your keyboard, would you? Read more →
We’re guessing there aren’t a lot of well-raised adults in these parts who didn’t grow up with at least something from Creative Kidstuff, the Twin Cities toy stores whose philosophy was “play is joyful, educational, creative and inspiring.” That ethos couldn’t survive in our high-tech era.
But that was before smartphones and iPads. Read more →
The frightening part of what happened to Apple’s stock yesterday is how much the U.S. economy depends on the cultists of Apple, who religiously have bought products that are overpriced even though the updates are hardly so impressive that people should shell out ridiculous amounts of money for them.
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As we’ve noted before, we are not big fans of the touch screens that have sprouted up at the renovated McDonald’s. We like human contact and, besides, it takes much longer to order through the technology than to simply walk to the counter.
But now some research in the UK has confirmed the wisdom of our disdain. Read more →
An all-staff meeting at Google in the wake of a fired-employee’s memo on women and diversity had to be canceled because of online harassment of employees. Read more →

Every now and again I am reminded that although the possibilities of new technology are endless, the advances can come at the expense of the documentation of our past. And that in our digital age, history evaporates quickly. Read more →
A lot of problems are going to be solved when self-driving cars become a thing. But first a big problem has to be solved: Consumers don’t want them. Read more →
Surely there can be little doubt by now that using a cellphone while driving isn’t safe no matter how much we try to convince ourselves we’re different.
The brain has a hard time doing two things at once and this was true even when cellphones were just phones. Read more →

As we’ve noted many times in this space over the years, flying cars are a fairly impractical solution to a problem. Most every flying car project that’s underway continues to take investors’ money and delay the rollout. Read more →
What’s happening to the nation’s big websites today is yet another reminder how vulnerable we are. Read more →
Duluth still doesn’t have a fancy system for high-speed Internet. But there’s good news. There are no kids running around there named Google Fiber. Read more →

In a few years from now, we’ll fondly recall the days when people who went to baseball games went there to watch baseball. Read more →
I often wish that Star Tribune columnist Lee Schafer’s work could find its way off the business pages and closer to the paper’s front page because his work is too stimulating to be relegated to one of the most ignored parts of the newspaper.
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The poor folks at Thomson Reuters got ensnared in the reply-all loop today and it’s all Vince’s fault. Read more →